Ohio Wesleyan as seen from above on a fall day. Photo credit: Brian Rellinger

Watermelon Snow

When Maddy Rea took my Human Impacts course (GEOG347), she was inspired by a class lab exercise that used remote sensing data (from several Landsat missions) to map deforestation loss in the tropics. She wanted to learn more about remote sensing and apply it to something that meant a lot to her. As a student originally from Alaska, she wanted to learn more about where she is from. She developed an incredible project (over two semesters) to map a unique phenomenon of 'watermelon snow' on the Harding Icefield. She presents her project in an amazing ArcGIS Storymap. To learn more about Maddy's project, click here.  

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Student research 

What makes my work so fulfilling is the teaching and mentoring of my undergraduate students. Ohio Wesleyan University, a small, liberal arts college seeks to engage students in learning and making connections. As a natural scientist, I often see this taking place by 'doing', that is, connect theory to practice. The OWU Connection houses numerous opportunities for students (and faculty) to make these connections. I am fortunate to work at an institution that prioritizes student connection and learning. Below are some examples of key research completed by students under my supervision or mentoring. These students make this an awesome place to work!